Neck Liposuction

Neck Liposuction in McLean, VA

Your neckline plays an important role in your overall facial appearance because it gives a visual indication of your weight. A full or heavy-looking neck and chin may suggest you are overweight, even if you are a slender person. You may notice that you can lose fat in other areas of your body through diet and exercise but your lower face and neck look perpetually fuller, particularly as you age.

Neck liposuction is a highly effective procedure that removes unwanted fat and helps you attain a slimmer, younger and healthier appearance. The short, safe surgical procedure can bring your features into better balance and proportion, and make you look more refined and graceful — even without making any other modifications to your appearance.

What Does Neck Liposuction Improve?

Neck liposuction reduces or eliminates unwanted pockets or bulges of fat underneath the chin and on the neck to achieve a more elegant neck contour. It can address a full or “double chin” and create greater definition in your lower face, jawline and neckline. If you do not have a noticeable transition between your jawline and neck, neck liposuction cancreate greater distinction between the two.

Once the fat is removed, it cannot grow back. As long as you maintain your weight through healthy lifestyle habits, you can enjoy the improvements of neck liposuction for many years to come.

Candidates for Neck Liposuction

Neck liposuction can produce very nice results for the right candidate; however, it's not the best option for everyone. It is best for people with good neck skin quality and not much loose skin. This is because liposuction depends on the skin being able to "shrink" in the treated area. Loose skin and sun-damaged skin does not shrink as much.

In addition, those with prominent neck bands (platysmal bands) can look older after liposuction since fat can mask some of the bands and make them appear less harsh. Liposuction can also make glands appear like lumps.

So it's all about whether you are a good candidate. For those with good skin quality, minimal platysmal bands, and small glands, this is a great in-office procedure.

Procedure Details

Traditional neck liposuction is a fairly short procedure performed on an outpatient basis. Sometimes Dr. Kordestani can perform the procedure using local anesthesia.

To begin, he creates one or two miniscule incisions beneath the chin or behind the ears. He inserts a slender, hollow tube called a cannula through the incisions and moves it back and forth to break up the unwanted fat. He then removes the unwanted fat through the cannula. He works carefully to ensure smooth, youthful contours.

Neck liposuction can be combined with other surgical procedures, depending on your situation and your goals of treatment. For example, you may consider a facelift or a neck lift in combination with liposuction to address loose, saggy skin and tissues.

Recovering from Neck Liposuction

Since neck liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis, you will be able to return home the same day as your procedure. You will need a trusted friend or family member to accompany you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours after surgery.

During your initial recovery, you can expect mild to moderate bruising and swelling. Your neck may feel tight or sore. You should keep your head elevated at all times (even while sleeping) to help minimize swelling. If you experience any discomfort, you can take prescription medication to quell the pain.

The initial recovery is generally short, and you can expect to resume work and socializing after about a week. You may need to wait a few more weeks before resuming strenuous activities, including exercise; Dr. Kordestani will advise you when it is safe to do so.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Kordestani

For more information about neck liposuction with Dr. Kordestani, please send us a message or call us today.

Other Double Chin Treatment Options

In addition to neck liposuction, Dr. Reza Kordestani also provides CoolSculpting and Kybella treatment to help his patients achieve a tighter, more defined neck.


As a policy of our office, we do not post before and after photos online in order to respect our patients' privacy. We are confident you'll be impressed with our results, and we'd be happy to show them to you at your consultation.
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01 Consultation

Complimentary consultation with Dr. Kordestani to discuss YOUR goals, benefits, and risks. 

02 Analysis

You will have preoperative photos taken at our office. Your face and neck will also be examined to determine what treatment would be best for you and if you are a good neck liposuction candidate.

03 Surgery date

You select a convenient surgery day. If you are only undergoing neck liposuction, this can be done in the office instead of the operating room.

04 Day of Surgery

You will be seen by myself in the office on the day of surgery. The length of your surgery depends on the treatment plan, but neck liposuction will take approximately 1 hour.

05 Recovery

Your recovery at home will be approximately 1 week. You will be given a neck strap to wear for 1-2 weeks. You can resume light exercise in 3 weeks and weightlifting at 6 weeks.

06 Follow-up

You will be seen until 6 months postoperatively to ensure you have no complications.
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